The alternative graduation speech
There is rarely anything quite as touching or as inspiring as a good speech at graduation. And yet, it seems that more and more guest speakers, despite being humbled and honoured to be invited to share their experiences and offer advice, are often serving speeches filled with platitudes and cliché, with a side of overused quotes. At least that is what my son and his year got at their graduation from secondary school this week.
This is the speech I would have actually liked him to hear:
“Congratulations Class of 2024. You have survived!
As you have grown and matured, you have probably come to understand that your parents and your teachers are not evil, torturous ninjas out to get you and make your life miserable, but rather shepherds guiding you, making sure you stay on the course so that you may actually get here, today.
Now you are at the gate. You have had 18 or 19 years to warm up. It is time to rev things up, shift gears and take off. But before you do that, I wish to impart on you, if you allow me, some lessons I wish I had learned at my own graduation:
The fact that you are here today is, in itself, a miracle.
Once you understand the process of creation, the intricate and unique forces and factors that have to come together to make you who you are, you will see that being here is a gift. Do not waste it.
You are unique, but you are not alone.
Understand the world you live in, whether that be the cosmos, the universe or the microcosm that is your home. How can you make it better?
Understand who you are voting for. Be engaged, the people you are voting for, or not, are having a direct impact on your life. Vote for character, not for policy. You can reverse policy, you cannot change someone’s character.
Understand that the universe owes you nothing, but that if you allow it, it will give you everything.
Understand love. Love yourself first so that you can project that love onto others with a fulfilled and abundant heart.
Understand the importance of laughter. Laugh at yourself first, at your friends’ jokes second, even if they’re not that funny.
Understand money. How to make it, how to keep it, and how to give it. But more importantly, understand what it can and cannot do.
Understand compounding, and that things can compound negatively as well as positively, with equal acceleration.
Build something. Anything.
Build a career, build a business, build a hobby, build a network, build a stock portfolio, build a family. But understand time: the older you get, the quicker it passes. Do it, today.
If you find something you’re good at, consider yourself lucky. Work your ass off and you’ll be financially secure for life.
If you find something you love, consider yourself lucky. Hold it close to your heart and you’ll be happy for life.
If you find something you love and you happen to be good at it, run with it! Protect it with your life. Do not let anyone strike you down. There is nothing misery loves more than company.
If you engage in any form of artistic activity, share it. It is your duty, and your privilege. Understand that you can only control what you give, and not what you get. But you can control what you choose to receive.
Learn the art of forgiveness. How to give it first, and how to seek it second.
Learn the rules first, and how far you can stretch them second.
Learn the roads, and then pray that you get lost. Chance and serendipity often wait at the wrong corner.
Exercise your body, so it can hold you up. Exercise your mind, so it can hold itself up.
Do not thank your parents and other people who have supported you in public. Thank them privately, show the world your thanks and your appreciation to them by bringing forth the best of yourselves.
Go off and make your mark. As you move through the world, make sure you are heard, but first,
As you prepare to leave the sheltered environments of your home and your school, know this: It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there.
But, guess what? You don’t have to be a dog.
The world is also filled with kindness and integrity. Carve out your own path with compassion and determination. Live your life with purpose and intention, and intensity. Love with all your heart, laugh with all your lungs, dance with the whole of your soul.
May adventure lead you. May chance guide you. And may luck never leave you.”